Saturday, September 8, 2007

What about on weekends?

LA: So buddy, how is school?
Boy: Good, mama. Hey mama, guess what?
LA: ?
Boy: I made a new best friend. He's in my class, his name is C.
LA: That's good. What's he like?
Boy: Oh, he likes fun stuff. And he likes to play and stuff.
LA: Well good, buddy.
Boy: And the best part is, he still likes me after lunch.

Apparently B, his "best friend" last year did not still like him after lunch. While it makes me giggle a little bit to think that the description of a "best friend" is: someone who likes fun and is still talking to you in the afternoon, it makes me sad to think that at seven years old the Boy has already had someone treat him in a way that he has to make that distinction.

Someone on my Mommy board said that high school sucks, and while I agree 400% with that, my worst memories are elementary school. Learning how to make and keep friends? So freaking hard. I just hope that the Boy can find a couple of nice kids who appreciate him for the person he is. He's got such a big heart, and I hate to think of someone trampling all over it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, man, I remember lunch time in elementary school. It was similar to Lord of the Flies. But you learn some valuable lessons about friendship. C might be a keeper.

Jaime said...

Aw! Kids can be so mean--I hope C sticks around for longer than "after lunch".

Anonymous said...

Kids can be so cruel. I hope his new friend is a long lasting one. Don't you wish that we could completely protect them from every feeling an ounce of pain, ever?

Steph said...

Kids are mean! I had a rough time in elementary too. I hope C is a keeper, cuz Max sure is!

Kris said...

I know what you mean. I always worry about the kids getting their feelings hurt by other kids. Hayleigh went through this a lot in Kindergarten but luckily it doesn't seem to bother her as much this year (and yes it has happened a couple of times already)

*Sigh* Wouldn't it be nice if we could protect them from everything?