Thursday, September 13, 2007

C'mon lady, have a heart....

Today, I got a postcard in the mail "asking" for a donation to the local volunteer fire department.

Now, I'm all for supporting my local VFD. Those guys are awesome.

But the donation "request" tells you to send the card back in with your payment. So now I've got this visual of me dialing 911 and the guys down at the fire hall flipping through a rolodex of returned "donation" cards, and being all, "Oh THAT house? They didn't send a check. Let's make some dinner before we head over there."

Like the time I donated to the Troopers' association. The next year, I just didn't have the spare cash laying around. They called back like seventeen times, getting meaner and meaner every time. And I am now convinced that they are out there somewhere, looking for my license plate, so they can pull me over and call me names and make me cry.

I'm nervous enough in my car, so I guess I'll send the VFD a check tomorrow so I can at least stay home in peace, without my conscience screaming "Shoulda supported the VFD!"

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