Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The crankiness continues...

All I'll say is I hate my job. I've hated it for quite some time, but today was a pretty solid reminder of why I am so unhappy in my current situation.

Anyhow, nothing really ever got better. The Boy got attacked by some kind of kamikaze caterpillar and here's what happened:
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Hubs got shot by a nail gun. It grazed his chest and went completely through his left thumb. I thought he was kidding, because he and his brother were laughing so hard when he came in to clean it up and get it bandaged, but then he quit putting pressure on it and oh. my. god. I am not a squeamish person, but that was just gross. Now it's big and purple and looks awful. It wasn't his fault, so I can't make fun of him, unfortunately.

I burned my lip on a pizza roll. I don't like leaving Ladybug at day care, but I don't know anyone in our little podunk town who might babysit. The job has me grumpy. And my dad isn't talking to me. Why?

A couple of weeks ago, he told me I was "unreliable" and went further to say he couldn't count on me. It absolutely broke my heart. I was having a bad "miss my mom" kind of day anyway, as I always do on birthdays and stuff. And I have worried about him every second for the last 3, almost 4, years. I would walk to the ends of the earth for him, because my daddy hung the moon. But I forgot to mail out a paper for him sometime last year, and I can't be counted on now.

So I got upset when he said this, and I had to leave the room. I sat on his back porch and cried for a long time. The next day I got "I'm sorry but..." and I hate that kind of (non)apology. So I guess now he's mad that my feelings got hurt. He used to call me every day just to tell me he loved me and to check on the kids. He hasn't called me in 10 days now. And so my heart stays broken.


Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Crankiness well earned. That is a post full of things to be more than just cranky about.

I'm sorry about your daddy. I hate it when daddies are mad at their girls.

Bubblewench said...

That sucks with the Dad. 20 years ago, I lost some of my dads jazz records. I STILL HEAR ABOUT IT.

He'll call soon. He can't stay mad forever.

Anonymous said...

(((HUGS))). That is all. Just lots of (((HUGS))).