Thursday, August 30, 2007

Worthless Crap today...

I've been a very grumpy bugga all week and haven't felt much like posting. I feel as though I need to say SOMETHING, however, so here ya go.

My husband lost my golf shoes. He borrowed them one day when he couldn't find his. (I have giant feet, and my golf shoes are men's, in case you care) I am helping him run a golf tournament tomorrow for his company, and guess what we (read: he) can't find? My shoes. He found his, but lost mine in the process. I am trying to figure out how to get new golf shoes before 8:25 tomorrow morning. I could play without them, I guess, but here's the thing. I am GREAT at playing happy hostess. The golf? Not so great. I will make a giant ass out of myself out there, but I have fun doing it. However, I need the proper equipment. I can't be happy hostess if I break an ankle. So dear, stupid husband: QUIT LOSING MY CRAP!

Because of the tournament, I am Ladybug-less for the first time tonight. She went to spend the night with her Nan and Pap. We're going up for the weekend tomorrow after we finish up. I miss her desperately, but you know what? I'm kind of looking forward to the sleep. They're good grandparents, so I know she's safe. And I desperately need a little rest before I head back to work next week. Which is a whole other post and one of the biggest contributors to my crankiness of late.

So without the baby, we went to Hibachi for the first time. Hubs has been trying to get me to go for a while, but I was always afraid to take her--flying knives and all. The Boy was in awe. It was neat, and we'll go back.

See, I told you this was a worthless crap post.


Bubblewench said...

hibaci rocks. Enjoy your rest!

Tiffany said...

Ladybugless? Congrats on this first bold step! I haven't yet made it this far but you are inspiring!!

Be safe golfing! I know first hand it can be dangerous :)