Sunday, March 2, 2008

Time to dust off that trophy again...

Dear SD--

There is a reason I call you SD, and not, generally, "Boy's Dad."

When your son admits to faking sick at school on Friday in order to get to sign out early, and you call at the last possible minute to request your weekend (since you haven't taken one in, what, two months?), promising to administer some sort of discipline for what Mama considers a major, MAJOR infraction, I would expect you to deliver on that promise.

A pool party? Really? REALLY? Please explain to me how, exactly, that qualifies as discipline?

Thank you so much for backing me up. We won't even get into how I was told you wouldn't be home because you were going to be out running around "town," not "a town 100 miles away." (And without a booster seat, you champion fucktard! They're $15. BUY ONE.)

Now, please, go back to not calling so I can go back to raising my son.


Steph said...

UGH!!! Sounds like something Liv's dad would do!!! Makes me see red just reading it! ITA with MollyDoll!

Jenn said...

Seriously?? That chaps my hiney.

Dude needs a fat lip...many times over.