Sunday, March 9, 2008

Dear Roaster...

If taunting Boy is your way of cluing me in that you've found yourself a lady friend, please be advised that you are making me far more uncomfortable than you would if you just told me outright.

Does it make me sad? A little. But I want you to be happy, and I know you can't be happy without someone to share your time with. I'll get over it, I promise. But there are things I don't want to hear about and things I don't want to know.

And I don't think it's funny.

So please, Daddy, please stop. Tell me whatever you want me to know, like grown ups. I'll be fine. I'll even be nice to the lady. Maybe I'll be friends with her kids.

But I can't laugh about it. I can't help you torture my kids with "Oooh, going on a date, smoochy smoochy!" goofiness.

Help me out?



Anonymous said...

Oy, that's a tough one. (((HUGS)))

Steph said...

(((HUGS))) Im sorry sweetie!