Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A good thing indeed...

Talking to my darling Mollydoll recently, we shared some of those moments that we're starting to experience with those ever-growing bundles of personality known as our sweet daughters. You know those moments--the ones where you grit your teeth, find that little pocket of extra Mama love somewhere deep down, and remind yourself that you do, in fact, adore your child, to the moon and back ten thousand times, despite the frustration you're feeling right this very second.

We're calling these our "Good thing you're cute!" moments.

So why is it a good thing LB is cute?

1. Sleep is poison! Who needs sleep? Not me! Not mama! Wheeee!
2. See this hard thing in my hand? I'm gonna swing it! I'm gonna bang it on your knuckles! I'm gonna throw it! Wheeeee!
3. Ooh, I have hands! Hands make a funny noise when they smack against other skin! Especially face skin! Especially MAMA face skin! Wheeeee!

So yeah, she's a violent little insomniac.

Now, we've all got them. Please share yours--comment, blog, whatever your pleasure.

Why is it a good thing YOUR kid is cute?


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, it's definitely a good thing Peanut's cute. Because when I have to wash all 10 of her pacifiers twice a day because she's learned how to throw them? I might just get a leeeeetle bit frustrated.

Steph said...

1) Biting is funny! Rushing in for the kill is even funnier! Making mama scream... makes me cry and then she feels bad!

2) Throwing EVERYTHING off of my highchair tray is FUN and then screaming when it's all gone to make mama pick it all up is even better!

3) Letting mama lay me down and then screaming popping my eye open and screaming is a great game! So is getting up every two hours and making her get me comfy again.


Becki said...

Sleep sucks! Who needs sleep!?
Not Maggie, either.
Hahahahaha...good thing she's cute ;)

Tiffany said...

Dear Auntie LA,

What is this "sleep" thing you are talking about? Mama keeps talking to me about "napping" but I'm not real big on it. I'd rather PLAY!

I also have a very new fun toy. The TV. I try to be real cute and give Mama my bestest smile every 10 seconds as I'm making my way toward it. It is really fun!!

Baby Prayse

Anonymous said...

I hear ya sista!

Crawling into the cabinet and then sitting there and screaming until momma gets you out. Over and over again! Not cool!

Throwing a complete temper tantrum when momma sits you down, not cool!

Good thing she's cute!