Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm not so good at this...

I may not be the world's worst blogger, but I'm sure I'm pretty highly ranked on the "lame" list.

Work has been kicking my butt. Poor sweet girl got the creepy crud last week, that dreaded bronchiolitis. Coupled with an ear infection, poor girl. She's such a champ, though. Until her nose would get all gunked up, she has been as happy as a clam. Love her sweet little heart. She's all better now. I ended up with some kind of respiratory thing myself, and between that mess and work and kids and life, I am wiped. If it weren't for said work, kids, and life, I imagine the decade-younger version of myself might consider a nice little bender this weekend. Instead, Mama will settle for a cup of cocoa and pay-per-view.

Oh, and we're officially crawling. Two arms, two legs, and we're off. I'll post some video when she decides to stop being such a coy little bugga.


Steph said...

Yay for crawling! Boo for yucky gunk!

Anonymous said...

Awwww, to hell with it! There's nothing a little sangria won't cure-- that's my motto.

So glad LB and her amazing mom are feeling better.