Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Take me out to the ballgame...

Hubs gets free tickets to our local farm team, so we decided to take the kids and their cousin to the baseball game last night. We met Hubs on his way home from work, parked his truck, and headed out in my car. We had a pretty decent time, it was Mardi Gras night. The boys got masks--

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and Ladybug cheered her little heart out--

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Fast forward to a sketchy parking lot after the game.

Hubs: What'd you do with the keys?
LA: I didn't have the keys. Aren't they in your pocket?
Hubs: No, you said you were putting my keys in the diaper bag.
LA: No, I said I was putting your keys in the glove compartment. What'd you do with my keys?
Hubs: I thought you were putting them in the diaper bag.
LA: So how did the car get locked?
Hubs: I hit the manual lock button.

A word to those of you with a keyless entry option. If you have a button? Use it. Because using that little button inside the car puts you at risk of being stranded in a dark parking lot two blocks from prostitutes with 2 boys hopped up on cotton candy and lemonade and an itty bitty who is down to her last bottle.

Hubs: I can't believe you did this.

So we call the roadside assistance plan we have been paying for in connection with our cell phone service for the last year and a half.

"I'm sorry sir, but you don't have roadside assistance. You've NEVER had roadside assistance."

BS. It's on the bill. Which is in the house, so it's not like we can prove it at this point.

LA: You can't believe I did this? You're the moron who hit the manual lock button. Who hits the manual lock button?

So Hubs tells me to call 911, which I know is a dumb thing to do for such a situation, but we were both at the end of our ropes.

Hubs: Just call them and tell them what you did.
LA: What I did?

"Ma'am, are the children locked inside the car? Then this isn't an emergency. The police can't help you, call a locksmith. " *click*

LA: You're going to get me arrested for abusing 911, and then what are you going to do? Seriously, WHO HITS THE MANUAL LOCK BUTTON??

Neither of the two locksmiths that 411 gives me are open past 5:30. So we suck it up and call a towing company. A very nice man in a very flashy tow truck shows up.

Hubs: What'd you do, call the most expensive towing company in town? Look at that truck.
LA: Yes, I pulled the yellow pages out of my butt, and called around for estimates first. No, you moron, I called the first one 411 had listed.
Hubs and LA: Boys, get away from the hookers!

Very nice man gets the door open after a while. It took some effort, but he was awesome like that.

VNM: That'll be $25.
LA: *very pointed "that's not SO bad" look at Hubs*
Hubs: Do you have any cash?
LA: you take Visa?
VNM: Nope.
Hubs: Uh...let's see.

We managed to scrape together $21 and four tickets for tonight's game. Thank you, tow truck drivers who haggle.

Oh, and Hubs had to talk to five different people at the cell phone company this morning, but they refunded the 17 months worth of roadside assistance service that we've paid for and are giving us a year free.

That was fun.


luannemarie said...

I love your play by play for the car lock out! I know you may not think funny right at this moment, but maybe one day?

Jaime said...

LOL!! Why do I find the keys locked in the car so funny? Has to be the hookers in the background!

Becki said...

Oh my goodness!! What an adventure!!