Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sick Boy...

Boy: Hey Mama. You know why boys who have fevers listen more?
LA: Why's that, buddy?
Boy: Because they don't want anything else to hurt.
LA: Like what?
Boy: Like their B-U-T-T when their Mama tears them up for not listening. (Yes, he spells it. Butt is the "B" word, bless his heart.)
LA: Don't you think maybe you should listen to your Mama all the time, and not just when you have a fever?
*Long Pause*
Boy: Hey Mama, where is the end of the Great Wall of China?

Fever for 2 days, hacking cough that sounds allergy-related, and a red, sore throat. Got it checked today because Fever + Itty Bitty = Scary. It's not strep, not the ears, just some wacky virus that has to run its course. Contagious, they say, even though they didn't really have a name for it. I didn't go to medical school, so who am I to question, but meh.

According to everyone I work with, I have the most perfect baby in the whole world. I snuck her on the scale at the doc's office--she gained 2 pounds in two weeks. TWO POUNDS! What a piggly wiggly she is.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

what a great story.

yay baby! keep gaining weight sweetie! she is pretty darn perfect