Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Anger management....

The Boy apparently threw a padlock at my dad the other day, because Roaster wouldn't take him to an amusement park.

I am so mad I could spit. No idea what the appropriate punishment is for something that happened three days ago when I wasn't around. Open to suggestions.

(This is the flipside to having a super sensitive kid. The "sensitive" is not always a good thing and sometimes turns to rage. Again, open to suggestions.)

Is he that spoiled? I don't think we've spoiled him. But if he thinks it's okay to throw chunks of steel at people when he doesn't get his way, I've messed up somewhere.

1 comment:

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

If you get some answers, let me know. I've been known to chuck things in anger too, and I'm not a kid.