Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sour Skittles and fast women...

One of my favorite pastimes is listening to the Boy talk to my dad (we'll call him Roaster).

So did you know that there is a limit to how many sour things one can have in a day, depending on age? If you're under ten, apparently you can have a whole bag of sour skittles. If you are 56 (which happens to be my dad's age), you are limited to two tiny little skittles. Otherwise, very bad things happen. What those bad things are, the Boy was unable to specify. But bad, bad things.

Later, on the way home from dinner:

Boy: When we get home, I'm gonna show Papaw how to play my Wii.
LA: Papaw doesn't want to learn how to play your Wii.
Boy: He would rather play Playstation?
LA: No, he doesn't care about video games.
Boy: Well the Wii is easy. I can show him how. He'll like it.
Roaster: Well a 56 year old man likes something that starts with a "W", but it's not a Wii.
(loooong pause)
Boy: Oh, I know what that is. Wild women.

Seriously, what exactly do they do when left alone together??


Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

Snort! That's too stinkin' funny.

Bubblewench said...

THat is hysterical! I wonder what pawpaw is teaching him!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.