Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Calm down, LA....

So I've been fighting with the Boy pretty much since the start of school over not bringing his homework home, his behavior at home, general brattiness, right?

So we go to Tarjay and to dinner with Hubs' hot friends (mmmm...) tonight. Get home, and the message light is blinking.

"Hi, Mrs. S---, this is Ron, Superintendent of Kanawha County Schools...."

You know that moment in A Christmas Story when Ralphie goes "fuuuuuudddddddggggeeee..."
except he doesn't say fudge? That was me.

Only apparently the school board took their meeting tonight to call every single family in the county to warn them about the Staph/MRSA situation, give a reminder about hygiene, and let us know what the school system is doing to prevent an outbreak.

And here I was convinced that he had done something SO AWFUL, it bypassed the principal and went straight to the top.

He really needs to start behaving so I can stop thinking like that.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having trouble with the Boy but so glad that I am not the only one. Bubba is going to be the death of me if he doesn't get a grip soon.

Jaime said...

Oh the joys of motherhood. Sorry the Boy has you frazzled lately. Hopefully it's a quickly passing phase!!