Sunday, January 6, 2008

I wish we stayed home more.

Between working on the addition to the IL's house and my never-ending guilt that I ever moved out of my parents' home, we hardly ever stay home on a weekend. I never thought there'd be a bright side to Hubs's truck breaking down, but it meant we had a perfect excuse not to go anywhere this weekend.

Gah, it's nice. I got the house de-Christmased and even cleaned yesterday, all before noon. Then we decided to do something nice for the boy, so we packed up and headed out to Chuck E. Cheese. Almost there, we decided to drive on and pick up cousin A, then head on down to Billy Bob's Wonderland, which is a CEC ripoff that has laser tag. They whacked-a-mole and motorcycle raced their little hearts out, then we bought them both a hamburger and home we came.

They're good boys, I'm glad they're in my life. I don't think LB has ever had as good a time as she had riding in between them in the car.

Now I'm sitting here dreading going to the grocery store. Dreading getting up for a full work week tomorrow, because I know that first week in January means almost six full months of no long weekends, no breaks, no nothing. Blech. Didn't hit the Powerball last night, unfortunately, so I don't have a choice in the matter. Boo.


Steph said...

YAY for a weekend at home and special time with them! I hope you get the grocery done and have a GREAT week!

Jenn said...

Home time is great...especally since they frown upon us when we wear our jammies in public. ;)

Tiffany said...

I'm glad you had a great time to enjoy your family!

Becki said...

Sounds like a good time! Glad you got your weekend at home :)